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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Lutsenko T.V., Svistunova E.V. Inclusive Education as a Factor of Developing Adaptive Behavior of Children with Disabilities (the Case Study of Children with Visual Impairments)

Abstract: The subject of the research is the process of developing adaptive behaviour of children with disabilities under the conditions of inclusive education. The object of the research is the inclusive education as a factor of developing adaptive behavior of children with disabilities. The purpose of the research is to study factors that influence the dynamics of changes in the levels of agression and anxiety of pre-school children with disabilities when they are involved in the system of inclusive education. Inclusion of pre-school with visual impairments into the general education process is a stress factor for them. The research methods included: 1) observing anxiety of children method offered by P. Baker and M. Alvord; 2) Child's Aggression Level Inventory offered by G. Lavrentieva and T. Titarenko. When the preschool children in inclusive education, both children with visual impairments and other children have problems related to the difference in perception, change of usual environment, and etc. The conclusion of the research is that inclusive education has significant potential for increasing the levels of anxiety and aggression of children with disabilities. However, in order to realize this potential, it is necessary to carry out a timely assistance aimed at developing social competence of pre-schoolers with visual impairements and pre-schoolers without those before transferring to inclusive education. The objectives of such assistance should include development of skills and knowledge that reduce aggression and anxiety of children and who will attend inclusive education groups and their parents.


features of adaptation, visual impairment, anxiety, aggression, inclusive group, inclusive education, inclusion, children with disabilities, difference of perception, social competence

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