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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Rusakova M.S. (2016). Typological and Role-Playing Approaches to Team Building: the Problem of Role Allocation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 890–897.
Rusakova M.S. Typological and Role-Playing Approaches to Team Building: the Problem of Role AllocationAbstract: The article is devoted to the empirical experimental comparison of characteristics of the process of allocating roles in the teams created by means of alternative technologies of teambuilding. The subject under research is the two most developed approaches to teambuilding, typological and role-playing. The results of the study demonstrate the specificity of each approach in relation to the number of issues of team roles. In particular, the author considers such issues as consistency and stability of the process of role allocation, ease of role behavior categorization, and participants’ attitudes to the team processes. The author also discusses the changes of these indicators depending on the three most relevant and naturally successive conditions of joint activities. The first condition is the interaction of team members in the context of low awareness about the features of role behavior of each other, in other words, at the very first stage. The second condition of the joint activity involves the accumulation of experience of team interaction, while the third condition models the operation in terms of that long-functioning a team inevitably has to face. The study shows that the application of the typological approach leads to more intense processes of role allocation initially generating mutual illusions of the participants regarding one another. The time factor and the conditions of change promote active and constructive restructuring of the system roles. At the same time, the introduction of a role-playing approach involves slow and rather accurate formation of the system which, however, appears to be less resistant to stressful conditions of environment. Keywords: intellectual role, psychological type, role repertoire, role allocation, role-playing approach, typological approach, recruitment, team building, team, team role
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