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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S., Stakhovskiy E. Carl Jung as an Esoteric (Conversation between Pavel Gurevich, the Editor-in-Chief, and Evgeny Stakhovsky, the Writer and the Frontman of the Popular Science Show 'Object 22' Broadcasted by Radio Mayak)

Abstract: The conversation is devoted to Carl Jung as an Esoteric. The Swiss psychiatrist was deeply into the mystical spiritual tradition. Freud and Jung had different concepts of the unconscious, its structure and role in culture. Jung tried to research the mystical spiritual tradition and that is why he was interested not only in European but also Oriental culture. Jung assumed that one has to overcome a lot of difficulties to become spiritual. This is a special path not everyone can pass. As a rule, everyday consciousness is deeply rooted in our minds while the hidden sense of existence cannot be understood by the commonsense logic. The interlocutors emphasize Jung's deep interest in Oriental teachings and esoterics. Jung believed that the true mystery of the world could never be solved but could be only described symbolically as an abyss or transcendency. The main method used in the conversation is the comparison. The method allowed to compare Freud's and Jung's teachings and to demonstrate differences and similarities of these two schools of psychology. In this article the author also tries to give a full idea of Jung's esoterism. The author emphasizes the deep knowledge of Jung in Oriental teachings, in particular, Buddhism and Zen Buddhism. It is demonstrated that Buddhism applies pure symbols as a code to denote a long and difficult way towards the truth. Jung wrote a preface to the edition of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The psychiatrist characterised it as a philosophical and religious guiding treatise for the alive. Based to Jung, that book is as important as The Bible, New Testament, Talmud and Quran. This is a sacred book not only in Tibet but also in other Eastern countries.   


symbol, individuation, archetype, collective unconscious, psychoanalysis, transcendency, spirituality, esoterics, mysticism, Jung

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