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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Zaytsev A.V. Dialogue: conflict or cooperation? (A survey of viewpoints and the innovative paradigm of dialogue management)

Abstract: The subject of this study is the innovative paradigm of dialogue management. The author examines the viewpoints on dialogue - dialogue as a conflict and dialogue as cooperation. Thus the idea is formed that conflict and cooperation are ambivalent clusters of dialogue. Between conflict and cooperation lie five more clusters that differ from eachother by their degree of conflict potential. Each subsequent cluster, starting with confrontational dialog, all the way to its polar opposite, is more constructive than the previous one. Thus emerges the opportunity for managing the dialogue. The basis of the methodology used in this article includes systemic and comparative methods, elements of discourse analysis and conflict management theory. The author's personal contribution to the conflict management theory is the development of the dialogue model of overcoming contradiction and conflict. This approach may be used in public politics (the dialogue between the state and the civil society, intersectoral partnership, PR and GP communications, lobbying), as well as international relations.


conflict, cooperation, agreement, the state, civil society, management, communication, discourse, interaction, dialogue

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