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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Kulagina N.V., Medvedeva T.N. Important aspects of behaviour strategy choice in conflict, depending on the predominant leadership style used Municipal budget organization employees

Abstract: This article focuses on the issue of interpersonal conflicts in work teams, defined by the style of leadership within an organization. The relevance of this issue is supported by the survey of contemporary research in this area. The author presents empirical data that reveal important aspects of behaviour strategy choice within a conflict, depending on the predominant leadership style among Municipal budget organization's employees. The author shows key characterising traits of conflict behaviour choices, depending on the leadership style, as well as the correlation between such behaviours. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Test, and the V.P.Zakharov and I.A.Zhuravlyov "Leadership styles in work teams study" questionnaire were the main tools of research. The processing of results was performed by using Student's t-test and Karl Pearson's Correlation coefficient. The main conclusions of this research are as follows: 1) the collegial (democratic) style of leadership means that predominant conflict behaviour strategies include Collaboration and Compromise; 2) the authoritarian leadership style is characterised by Avoidance, Accommodation and Competing becoming dominant; 3) the liberal leadership style tends to lack a predominant behaviour strategy for employees. The author also notes the significant correlations between conflict strategies and leadership styles.  


conflict prevention, gender differences, work team, conflict strategy, conflict situation, leadership style, interpersonal conflict, liberal leadership style, collegial leadership style, authoritarian leadership style

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