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International Law and International Organizations

Irkhin I.V. Foundations of the constitutional status of Turks and Caicos Islands as overseas possession of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Abstract:  The subject of this research is the positions of the White Paper of overseas territories that regulation the institution of partnership as a form of interrelations of Great Britain with overseas territories. The political and territorial relations between Great Britain and the examined overseas territory is suggested to qualify as Unitarian with the elements of feudalism. The article also explores the positions of the Constitutional Order of the Turks and Caicos Islands of 2011 in part of regulation of the status of the Governor, Cabinet, and Legislature. The author underlines the a special place within the constitutional system of authorities of the overseas territory belongs to the representative of the British crown due to the powers that allow in compliance with the set by the Constitution conditions making the key decisions in the sphere of domestic policy of the island (Convocation of Cabinet, its resignation, dissolution of the House of Assembly , reserve lawmaking authorities, etc.). Thus, a significant role in formation and realization of the constitutional course belongs to the Prime Minister and House of Assembly . The work formulate the theses concerning the additional regulation of competency of the local public authorities of Turks and Caicos Islands and the Governor, specification of the content, order of organization, and carrying out of conciliation procedures, early dissolution of the House of Assembly, clarification of criteria of such decision-making. This work is one of the first to examine the partnership relations of Great Britain with its overseas territories from the constitutional legal positions. It reveals the constitutional legal status of Turks and Caicos Islands, analyzes the positions of the Constitutional Order of 2011 regarding the Governor, Cabinet, House of Assembly , as well as organizational order of their interaction.  


House of Assembly, Cabinet, Governor, Monarch, Constitutional Order, partnership, Turks and Caicos, overseas territory, Great Britain, electoral law

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