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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kulagina N.V. Motives for Work and Satisfaction with Different Sides of Professional Activity Demonstrated by Employed Women Experiencing the Role Conflict

Abstract: Recent researches have demonstrated that professional activity favours personal self-fulfilment and gives the sense of one's independence and self-esteem. Hoewver, professional activity also reduces the time that a woman has left for her family fulfilment which may lead to a so-called 'gender overload', tension and intrapersonal conflict. In this article Kulagina raises a question about an intrapersonal role conflict experienced by employed women. The author describes types and reasons of intrapersonal conflicts that may be experienced by women and provides the results of the empirical research that demonstrate the influence of the intrapersonal role conflict experienced by employed women on their work motivation and satisfaction with different sides of professional activity. Employed women of different ages participated in the research. The total number of participants was 160 people. The theoretical basis of the research includes concepts of gender practices. In order to achieve the research objective, the author has used the following research methods: Employed Women's Role Conflict Inventory (by E. Korneeva), 'Professional Activity Motivation Questionnaire (by K. Zemfir adapted by A. Rean), Integral Satisfaction with Work (by N. Fetiskina, V. Kozlov, and G. Manuylov). The author has also used Student's t-test to carry out mathematical-statistical processing of data. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, the author has discovered that young married women with children have the moderate intensity level of the intrapersonal conflict. They experience a harder conflict compared to mature married women with children who have demonstrated a low intensity level of the gender conflict. 


existential gender conflict, work motivation, professional roles, family roles, role expectations, role conflict, personal disadaptation, fear-of-success conflict, gender stereotypes, intrapersonal conflict

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