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History magazine - researches

Musaev V.I. The Implementation of the Indigenization Policy in the Russian North-West (1920s – 1930s)

Abstract: The article deals with the so-called indigenization policy, initiated by the 12th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1923, which provided support for the self-government, language and culture of national minorities. It is considered on the concrete example of the Russian North-West. The unfolding of this policy under the influence of a number of factors, in nature both domestic and external political, occurred in the middle–the second half of the 1930s. For the first time a detailed study of the features of the indigenization policies in this region of the country is offered. The relevance of this kind of research is related to the fact that national issues did not lose their importance in contemporary Russia and that the past experiences of national policy, its achievements, as well as failures must be taken into account in the formation of the current national policy. In this work the author applied the empirical methods of knowledge (classification, analysis), methods of concrete sociological analysis, scientific methods of historical research (statistical, historical and descriptive, retrospective, historical and comparative).


North-West, interethnic relations, national policy, indigenization, local self-government, nationalism, national minorities, Finland, national staff, national written language

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