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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Noss I.N., Borodina T.I. Personal-Professional Specification: Regional Aspect

Abstract: In their research the authors focus on the regional aspect of personal-professional specification. They offer a general definition of the term 'regional specification' that reflects ethno-cultural, geographical and landscape peculiarities of corporate staff at the concrete level as some kind of an optimal structure of personal-professional qualities allowing an employee to perform his or her duties and to correspond to functional requirements of her or her profession. The authors analyze reginal specification as general and special qualities in verbal and cogitative, emotional-volitional, communicative and motivational spheres that constitute professional predictor modules. There are differences observed both in structures of personal qualities and systems of professional requirements. The authors also provide empirical data reflecting various forms of personal-professional specification under regional conditions. Specific regional features are proved through statistical procedures and criteria. The authors also apply procedures for defining statistically significant differences between groups in order to describe the main psychological indicators of the personnel in companies under research. By using the correlation analysis the authors also evaluate the relationship between experimental groups. As a result, the authors give the scientific and experimental substantiation of the term 'regional specifrication' that reflect ethno-cultural, geographical and landscape peculiarities of the staff. The authors clarify the structure of personal-professional qualities contributing to an efficient performance of labor functions in accordance with professional requirements in a particular region. They also prove and explain differences both in structures of personal qualities and systems of professional requirements discovered in the course of drawing mental graphs.The authors also view regional specification as a system of general and special qualities of the personnel in verbal and cogitative, emotional-volitional, communicative and motivational spheres that constitute professional predictor modules.


boundaries of regional specifications, geographical features, ethno-cultural differences of regions, mental graph, job analysis, regional specification, personal-professional specification, concrete level of analysis, structure of professionally significant qualities, alteration of boundaries of specifications

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