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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Paleev R.N. Law and Counter-Reformation Passions

Abstract: In his research Paleev talks about development of laws and regulations during the Reformation. Academics often underline that the Reformation was the Protestantism. Max Weber believed the Reformation to be the movement that resulted in the origin of the Capitalism. Religious beliefs that contributed to the origin of the Protestantism also formed a new economy and style of life. At the same time, it also had an effect on legal concepts of the European civilization. In fact, the development of new legal views and concepts was quite more dramatic than it seems. Weber's interpretation of the Reformation is often reviewed by today's researchers, however, the latter pay too little attention to so-called counter-reformation movements. The Reformation was not recognized by everyone. Religious movements created new interpretations and concepts of law. That, in its turn, created a complex psychological situation and disagreements oif values. There were social and religious passions around the legal culture. Paleev bases his research mostly on the principle of historicism which allowed to show the influence of Max Weber's ideas not only on the economy and religious beliefs but also development of new legal views of the Christian civilization. In his article Paleev focuses on a difficult situation in Europe when the Reformation created numerous anti-reformation movements and social passions. The author of the article analyzes debates round the religious category of 'salvation'. Martin Luther's concept was often critisized by anti-reformation movements. The author also raises a question about individual behavior that goes beyound the law and religious standards and discuss the idea of Christianity returning to its initial purity as a true essence. The author also emphasizes the need to distinguish between law and religion and proves the independent role of the law. 


anti-reformation movements, social passions, salvation, law, psychological motives, rationalist principles, reformation, psychology, management, philosophy

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