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Philosophy and Culture
Goncharov V.V., Poyarkov S.Yu. (2017). Human rights and freedoms as the ideal value of modern state. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 47–50.
Goncharov V.V., Poyarkov S.Yu. Human rights and freedoms as the ideal value of modern stateAbstract: This article is dedicated to examination of the rights and freedoms of an individual as the ideal values of the modern state. The work substantiates the position that human rights as a universal category serve as a significant dominant in development of civil society alongside the counterforce of absolutization of political power of the state in the process of establishment of constitutionalism. Rights and freedoms are the ideal value of any modern democratic state; because firstly, a person represents the highest value of social development, and, secondly, the purposes of existence and functionality of the government apparatus itself. Thus, the recognition, consolidation in the existing legislation (primarily the Constitution), adherence to and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, on one hand – is the cornerstone of formation and functionality of the government apparatus in modern democratic state as; and on the other hand – one of the main goals and tasks of the state. Keywords: democracy, Constitution, people, modern state, ideal value, citizen, man, freedom, law, government
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