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Trusevich E.S. Using 3D Technologies in Documentary Film: the Influence of the Visial Effect on the Perception of the Audience

Abstract: The subject of the research is acting techniques used in visual solutions of a documentary film made by using 3D technologies. The author analyzes documentary films that have been launched by the Russian film lending service using 3D technologies and defines peculiarities of using 3D in documentary films. 3D technologies were tested in Russian documentary film lending service as a type of films with a high level of financial risk. The author of the article also defines and classifies techniques and methods used by film directors when creating a composition and image in documentary films using 3D technologies. In this research Trusevich has used the comparative method and systems approach. The author has calculated the number of documentary 3D films that have been launched by the Russian film lending service since 2009 till 2015. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes creative opportunities of 3D technologies, in particular, director's work on the image composition and using details. The author of the article also analyzes Sergei Eisenstein's thesis about the 'soaring effect' in the image composition and applies this term to the mise en scene of a 3D image.   


detail, landscape in cinema, photogenia, film image composition, soaring effect, film lending service in Russia, documentary film, environmental film, visual perception, 3D

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