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National Security

Sharkov N.N. Analysis of the consequences of the “banking” model of financial structure development in the context of financial security of the Russian economy

Abstract:   The established “banking” model of financial infrastructure of Russian does not have the resources for development in the long-term perspective. Low level of involvement of the institutions of financial infrastructure into financing of the development of national economy defines the relevance of examination of the possible consequences of preservation of this model in the context of country’s financial security under the conditions of global competition. The subject of this article is the role of the institutions of financial infrastructure in ensuring Russia’s financial security. Special attention is given to the analysis of the established structure of sources for financing of the investments and main capital. The author substantiates the necessity of converting the acting model of financial infrastructure development into the “institutional”. During the course of this research, the author proposed the four possible scenarios of further development of Russia’s economy, depending on the vector of development of the national financial infrastructure in mid and long-term perspective. Under the conditions of global competition, the priority is given to the “target” and the “optimistic” types of scenarios, which meet the requirements of financial security. The conclusion is made on the need for generating the mechanism of ensuring financial security to the Russian Federation along with determining the possible tools of its implementation.  


global competition, stability, sustainable development, capital investments, institutional model, bank model, financial security, financial infrastructure, bonded financing, bank loan

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