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National Security

Bratanovskiy S.N., Barinov A.V. Administrate and legal regulation of the work of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors

Abstract: The subject of this article is the normative legal acts that regulate the work of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors. The authors thoroughly examine the peculiarities of registration of the indicated institutions and organizations, which is the primary foundation necessary for the rescue organizations for realization of actions pertaining to the rescue of citizens and property. Special attention is given to the implementation of registration procedures on the regional and local levels. The work explores the existing gaps in legislation, which according to the authors’ opinion, hinder the full realization of registration procedure for the separate types of emergency and rescue organizations. The scientific novelty is defined by the characteristics of peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors, as well as posing and resolution of the issues of sufficiency of the legal regulation of their work. The main conclusion lies in the fact that for the improvement of organization and work of the objects in question, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps in legislation based on the graded approach towards determination of their legal competence, depending on the presence of certain functions within them.  


technogenic factors, protection of the population, activities, rescue, regulatory legal acts, security, emergency and rescue units, organization, legislation gaps, order

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