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Philology: scientific researches

Gurevich P.S. 'Shall Hear Your Enchanting Voice' (About the Creative Work of a Russian Philosopher and Writer Mikhail Gershenzon)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the review of the three collections of selected works that included works of a well-known philosopher and writer Mikhail Gershenzon. These are 'Selected Works. The Triadic Image of Perfection', 'Selected Works. Notes on History' and 'Selected Works. Images of the Past'. Mikhail Gershenzon played an unvalued role in the development of Russian culture. His rich intellect, doubtless literary talent and gift for philosophical research made him a distinguished figure of Russian culture. Mikhail Gershenzon was particularly interested in the history of the modern period in the Russian society development over the past three or four generations. The philosopher was indeed a master of individual analysis. In a sense, Mikhail Gershenzon can be considered to be part of Russian history of psychology because he was not only a historian but also a genious psychologist. His gifts allowed him to compare different epochs and find common features and traditions of different periods of Russian history. His works published in the above named collections also prove that he can be considered to be one of Russian philosophers. In his research Gurevich has used the principle of historicism that was so often used by Mikhail Gershenzon. The method allowed to compare historical epochs and define rules and patterns of social development. These publications gave an opportunity to analyze an enormous contribution of Mikhail Gershenzon to the development of Russian culture and thus was undoubtedly a very important project carried out by a famous researcher and editor Svetlana Levit. It certainly was such an effort to find and publish these three collections of selected works. As a result, publications provide us with broad materials that enable an adequate evaluation of Mikhail Gershenzon's versatile activity. Kogan's words that 'perhaps, analysis of his achives and works will bring an insight into one of the most interesting problems of social studies and psyhology' actually came true. Many of Gershenzon's works have already become a rarity. The aforesaid collections also contain articles written by Russian philosophers and modern researchers V. Proskurina and Yu. Sineoky about Mikhail Gershenzon. 


history, psychology, culture, sociality, personality, crisis, Slavophilia, human, philosophy, literature

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1. Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Troystvennyy obraz sovershenstva / Sost. S.Ya. Levit, L.T. Mil'skaya. 2-e izd. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2015. 640 s.
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3. Gershenzon Mikhail. Troystvennyy obraz sovershenstva // Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Troystvennyy obraz sovershenstva / Sost. S.Ya. Levit, L.T. Mil'skaya. 2-e izd. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2015. S. 61-119.
4. Gershenzon Mikhail. Sud'by evreyskogo naroda // Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Troystvennyy obraz sovershenstva / Sost. S.Ya. Levit, L.T. Mil'skaya. 2-e izd. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2015. S. 193-196.
5. Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Istoricheskie zapiski / Sost. S.Ya. Levit. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2016. 352 s.
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7. Gershenzon M.O. Istoricheskie zapiski. Glavy XXVIII-XXXIII. Intelligentsiya // Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Istoricheskie zapiski / Sost. S.Ya. Levit. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2016. S. 86-103.
8. Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Obrazy proshlogo / Sost. S.Ya. Levit. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2016. 448 s.
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11. Gershenzon M.O. Prudon // Gershenzon Mikhail. Izbrannoe. Obrazy proshlogo / Sost. S.Ya. Levit. M.; SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2016. S. 147-164.
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