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Philology: scientific researches
Porva O.N. (2016). About Combining Communicative Roles of a Chief Editor and News Presenter on a Regional TV-channel (Based on The Vladivostok State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 372–380.
Porva O.N. About Combining Communicative Roles of a Chief Editor and News Presenter on a Regional TV-channel (Based on The Vladivostok State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company)Abstract: The object of the present research is journalist's universal activity, the subject of the research is an expert in media communication who combines several professional roles, in particular, presenting news and acting as a chief editor. Appearance of these universal journalists still remains an understudied topic, however, it is quite an urgent topic due to the growing requirements for experts in TV broadcasting, radio broadcasting and newspaper publishing. The process of combining editor's and news presenter's functions are being analyzed based on the example of a regional state TV and radio broadcasing company 'Vladivostok'. The main research method used by the author of the article is observation that allowed to record facts of how a universal journalist behaves in his or her natural environment. The author has also used methods of descriptive and comparative analysis to analyze activities performed by a number of practical specialists, their functions and speech strategies. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author defines a new type of universal activity when a specialist is both an idea provider, informational flow aggregator and news broadcaster. The author of the article describes pluses and minuses of universal journalism and offers practical recommendations regarding performing such activity. In the course of the research the author makes a conclusion that this combination of two communicative roles is ambivalent: on the one hand, it destructs the composed function of each universal journalist, on the other hand, it creates free interpretation as a result of an actor's sovereignty. Keywords: communicative roles, universal journalist, Chief Editor, speech strategies, combination of professional roles, universalism in journalism, media communication, addressee, communicative skills, news presenter
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