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Philology: scientific researches
Maslova E.G. (2016). Development of Magic Realism Traditions in the Creative Writing of African American Authors. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 361–365.
Maslova E.G. Development of Magic Realism Traditions in the Creative Writing of African American AuthorsAbstract: The subject of the research is the phenomenon of magic realism, creation and development of magic realism traditions in literary practice of African American writers. The author of the article views magic realism as a peculiar type of creative thinking developed in Western literature of the 20th century that was especially expressed in writings of Charles Chestnutt, Zora Hurston, Alice Walker, Naylor and Toni Morrison as those writers used peculiar expressive means and methods synthesizing the 'magical' and real events in their stories. The methods used in the course of the research included: comparative historical, systems approach principles to study cultural and literary phenomena, and comprehensive analysis of a literary text. The main conclusion of the research is taht the author defines specific features of African American creative thinking that determined the unique nature of magic realism traditions in the writings of black writers. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author extends the scope of interpretation of magic realism exceeding the borders of the Latin American phenomenon and carries out an in-depth analysis of magic realism development in creative writings of African American authors. Keywords: supernatural, mythology, African American folklore, oral tradition, literary tradition, African American literature, magical realism, Toni Morrison, American literature, identity
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