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Financial Law and Management

Nikityuk L.G. Features of Developing Corporate Investment Activity in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of the research is the process of corporate investment activity increasing economic efficiency of investors, corporations, and government. The object of the research is the development of corporate investment activities in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is to define the role of investment in the formation and increment of corporations' capital in the Russian economy. The author of the article describes stages of corporate investment activitis which enables to conduct a more detailed study of investment objects, adjust indicators of economic efficiency and determine the level and ability to minimize financial risks at each stage of planning and investment. Cost-effectiveness is evaluated at the final stage of the process of corporate investment activity, the final level of which is the determination of areas for using accumulated capital (consumption, accumulation, or reinvestment). According to the results of the research the author came to the conclusion that the investment process helps corporations to minimize financial risks and creates conditions for their efficient operation in the long term. This proves the urgency and efficiency of the process of corporate investment activity developed and described by the author. The process allows to preserve the structure of the corporation capital and maximize the economic effect for investors. 


economic efficiency, investment activities, economy, reinvestment, investment project, financial resources, investment capital, investment, corporation, investment sources

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