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Administrative and municipal law

Moshkina N.A. The role of local government bodies in the protection of human rights and freedoms

Abstract: The research subject is the provisions of municipal legislation of the federal, regional and local levels, regulating the activities of local government bodies, aimed at the protection of human rights and freedoms. The author studies the work of local government bodies in the sphere of the protection of human rights and freedoms, performed with the help of specific methods, procedures and means. Special conditions are created on the local level, necessary for the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. It helps the population of the municipal entity solve local problems independently. The article analyzes the authorities of local government bodies in the implementation and protection of rights and freedoms of citizens, and their rights and responsibilities in this sphere. The research methodology includes general scientific and specific methods, including analysis, the deductive, logical and formal-legal methods. The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of local government bodies as the subjects, protecting rights and freedoms of citizens. The author concludes about the socially important character of activities of local government bodies, aimed at the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. The author substantiates the necessity to include local government bodies in the system of agencies, protecting human rights and freedoms, enshrined in the article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 


democracy, municipal entity, local problems, municipal control, territorial public self-government, human rights protection, local government bodies, local government, human rights

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