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Administrative and municipal law
Alkhutova E.Yu. (2016). Topical issues of prosecutor’s supervision over entrepreneurs’ rights observance during municipal land control . Administrative and municipal law, 12, 974–978.
Alkhutova E.Yu. Topical issues of prosecutor’s supervision over entrepreneurs’ rights observance during municipal land controlAbstract: The article considers the issues of normative regulation of municipal land control; the author reveals the contradictions of federal and regional legislation. The imperfection of federal legislation gives rise to the variety of ways of legal regulation both on regional and municipal levels. Consequently, the authority to carry out municipal land control can be given to local, municipal and village officials. Thus, legal grounds of control authorities of these bodies have their own specificities. Therefore, there exist certain peculiarities of organization and implementation of prosecutor’s supervision over the observance of laws on the protection of entrepreneurs’ rights by municipal supervisory bodies. The research methodology is based on the general scientific dialectical method; the author applies the system-structural and logical analysis, studies the results of practical work. The analysis of the published works shows that the issues of prosecutor’s supervision over the observance of entrepreneurs’ rights by municipal supervisory bodies with account of the peculiarities of the changes of the legislative regulation haven’t been considered so far. The author concludes about the necessity to resolve the detected contradictions on the legislative level. In the context of the current statutory instruments, the subject of prosecutor’s supervision should include the issues of legality of local bodies endowing with supervisory authorities, thus predetermining the peculiarities of prosecutor’s supervision organization and implementation. Keywords: economic agent, land control, contradictions in legislation, authorities, supervision subject, supervision organization, municipal control, prosecutor
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