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Administrative and municipal law

Novgorodov D.A. Delictological characteristic of administrative offences, committed via the Internet, and their subjects

Abstract: The research subject includes the causes and conditions of commission of administrative offences via the Internet, the practice of administrative norms implementation for the detection and elimination of causes and conditions of administrative offences commission. The research object is social relations in the sphere of prevention of administrative offences on the Internet. Special attention is given to the characteristic of the subjects of administrative offences, their age, gender, social status and motives, which are studied on the base of the analysis of judicial practice of the Russian Federation on administrative offences, committed via the Internet. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition (historical, comparative, statistical, empirical, analytical, system methods, analysis and synthesis). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that this is the first delictological study of administrative offences, committed via the Internet, containing the characteristic of their subjects. The author comes to the conclusion that to eliminate the causes of administrative offences, it is necessary to assume the set of measures for the improvement of the state policy aimed at the prevention of offences committed via the Internet. 


judicial practice, analysis, statistics, prevention, administrative offence, Internet, characteristic, delictology, personality, offender

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