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Philosophy and Culture
Lukash A.V. (2016). Contradictions of the social-labor relations at the present stage of sociocultural development. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1681–1685.
Lukash A.V. Contradictions of the social-labor relations at the present stage of sociocultural developmentAbstract: The subject of this research is the social-labor sphere, and the objects is the controversial trends in labor relations under the influence of the global sensory culture. The author demonstrates that labor as the integral social institution deflects the accumulated in society controversies, reveals their nature and genesis. It is illustrated that labor is able to raise the spirit and mood of the time, value dominants, prevailing behavioral orientations within it, as well as better understand the behavior of the subject of history, regardless of whether a person is involved into the labor relations or not. The author leans on the methodology of sociocultural fluctuations, which allows establishing the correlation between the dominant values and status of the social institutions. The main conclusion consists in the following: social form of labor at the current point in development of the society, which primarily reflects the values, ideals, and stereotypes of the behavior of sensory culture, is not adequate to the challenges of time or capable of resolving the pressing issue of present time: productive employment of population. Keywords: attitudes, values, contradictions, employment, sociocultural developmen, sensory culture, social-labor relations, labor, economy, ideals
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