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Philosophy and Culture
Krasikov V.I. (2016). Rhapsodists of tradition in the modern Russian philosophical community: “Contextualists”. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1645–1653.
Krasikov V.I. Rhapsodists of tradition in the modern Russian philosophical community: “Contextualists”Abstract: The object of this article is the Russian philosophical community, which includes the character thinks and their groups who claim the orientation towards the native culture and peculiarities of Russian mentality as their identifying distinction. The subject of this research is the history of emergence of these thinkers and groups in post-Soviet Russia, their forming institutions, and history of relations with the other intellectual groups. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the historical roots of these newly established traditions, their representation within the academic and educational institutions, as well as specificities of theoretical platforms of their leaders. The methodology is based on the approach, according to which the network structure of relationship between the intellectuals defines the generally important space of intellectual attention, which is structured upon several competitive positions. The main result of the conducted research consists in description of history, theoretical peculiarities, composition and institutional representation of the three intellectual directions among the “contextualist thinkers” – “conservative revolutionaires”, “Orthodox immanenists”, and “existentialists of tradition”. Keywords: archeomodernism, Russian mentality, historiosophy, existentialists of tradition, Orthodox immanentists, conservative revolutionaries, Slavophilism, Contextualists, synergetic anthropology, existential cultural studies
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