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Culture and Art

Ezernitskaya A.B. Compagnie Della Calza In Terms of the Venetian Myth

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the society Compagnie della Calza and their role in the life of the Venetian Republic of the XVth - XVIth centuries. Very little is mentioned about Compagnie della Calza in Russian academic literature while descriptions of the unions of young noblemen may considerably complete the picture of the cultural life of Venice during Renaissance. The logic of existence of such unions in Venice of the XVth - XVIth centuries is explained by the fact that they were completely congruent with internal and external policy of the Republic's government aimed at supporting the so called Venetian myth. As a result of rare researches devoted to Compagnie Della Calza, the author has used the interdisciplinary approach to her studies. Ezernitskaya has conducted an analysis of the historiography on the phenomenon of Compagnie Della Calza. For the first time in the Russian academic literature the author views the reasons of appearance and the nature of activities of the representatives of those 'gilded youth' membership clubs'. Based on the analysis of archive materials related to Compagnie Della Calza's activities, the author defines new trends for further researches of plots and themes depicted in the artwork of such Venetian artists as Gentile Bellini, Vittore Carpaccio, Giorgione, Titian and others. 


Titian, Vittore Carpaccio, Gentile Bellini, sumptuary laws, venetian art, Renaissance, Venezia, Compagnie della Calza, Giorgione, la Tempesta

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