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Culture and Art
Sokolova A.N. (2016). Transformation of the Genre Model of the Traditional Western Circassians Dance Music. Culture and Art, 6, 812–818.
Sokolova A.N. Transformation of the Genre Model of the Traditional Western Circassians Dance MusicAbstract: The object of the research is the dance culture of Western Circassians living on the territory of modern Adygeya. The subject of the research is dance genres as combinations of musical-instrumental, plot-shaped and plastic components. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the cause of the deformation of the old system of dance genres, reasons, conditions and channels through which "forgotten" or other ethnic genres come into the dance culture generating new meanings in the reconstructed genres. Particular attention is paid to the problem of artistic values in the process of reproduction and generation of new artistic products. The author has used the methods of comparative-typological and systems analysis and empirical methods of participant observation and informal interviews with cultural figures. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author brings forth the problem associated with the attempt to define the genre-style dance music model of Western Circassians and analyzes causes and conditions of social and cultural changes that caused the formation of the new system of dance music. The main conclusion of the research is the statement of the fact that the gendre model of dance music of Western Circassians was renewed by developing the forgotten, borrowing and processing other ethnic artistic heritage. Noteworthy that people usually accept something new if it is perceived as succession or inheritance, i.e. what is understandable for the modern society, promotes spiritual potentials of the society and expresses social collective unconscious. Keywords: system transformation, dance circle, genre model, zafak, dghegu, dance culture, Western Circassians, diaspora, peoples of the Caucasus, artistic values
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