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Culture and Art
Svirskiy Ya.I. (2016). Individuation in Terms of Complexity Paradigm. Culture and Art, 6, 770–781.
Svirskiy Ya.I. Individuation in Terms of Complexity ParadigmAbstract: In his article Svirsky invites us to consider several key concepts of the research strategy offered by the French philosopher Gilbert Simondon. Simondon introduced the concept of technical, biological, psychological and collective individuation which acquires the ontological status in the long run. In the course of the present research Svirsky carries out a comparison between substantial criticism and hylomorphic tradition of interpreting the origin of individual matter and such concepts as transduction and allagmatique involving other associated terms and concepts (initial information, internal resonance, metastability and others). The author applies the comparative research method to integrate Gilbert Simondon's philosophical strategy with the complexity paradigm providing that Simondon's concepts had a great influence on Gilles Deleuze, Jean Baudrillard, Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers and other outstanding authors who got close to the complexity paradigm in their research. The main conclusion of the research is that Gilbert Simondon's philosophical strategy relates to contemporary issues of both social and intellectural nature. First of all, the researcher means the plots of individuation of both technical and vital objects which is the guarantee of the modern society's existence. Moreover, according to the author Simondon's philosophy should be studied not only by Russian but also foreign philosophers. Keywords: autopoiesis, philosophy of biology, allagmatics, form, information, hylomorphism, individuation, meta stability, transduction, Simondon
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