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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Brazhnikov P.P. (2016). System Interaction with the Environment Based on the Example of the Development of the Human Mind. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 710–722.
Brazhnikov P.P. System Interaction with the Environment Based on the Example of the Development of the Human MindAbstract: The purpose of this article is to expand the application of the systems theory to the human psychology sphere. Some of the theses of the systems theory and the general model of the interaction of systems and environment are shown. The model states that the activities of systems depend on characteristics of their environment. The process of development and formation of the human psyche is explored on the basis of the proposed system model. An individual is explored as a system adapting to an unfamiliar environment. The author shows how the environment affects a human method of thought and analysis of external information. Much attention is also paid to the specifics of the different hemispheres of the brain. The article consists of two parts. In the first part four major types of system interaction and the environment are shown. Those depend on characteristics of the environment with reference to system parameters. There are two kinds of system parameters: firstly, the quantity of resourses, and secondly, predictability of changes. For each set of environment characteristics, the environment interaction with the system will be different. At the same time it is important which signal sources are prevalent in the environment, beneficial or destructive, because an orientation of a system towards the sources or from them will depend on this. However, the environment is rarely homogeneous for the system as there may be sources of signals of various morphology. In such case, each type of signals forms a constituent of an environment with independent characteristics. Therefore, the interaction of the system with each type of signals will be different. In the second part of the article the process of the human mind development is investigated on the basis of aforesaid model. It is asserted that during his or her development a person is faced with two types of external signal sources: physical objects and social subjects. Consequently, with respect to each of these four types of interaction and two types of orientation relatively of sources may take place. Simultaneously, the allocation of actions for interaction with these kinds of resources between the brain hemispheres is important. These factors influence on an established personal method of thought and analysis of external information. Keywords: autism, schizophrenia, cerebral hemisphere’s operation, Jung typology, temperament, interaction with the environment, developmental psychology, systems theory, organization of mind, developmental stages
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