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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Maslova V.A. Symbol, Image, Metaphor and Allegory as the Means of Comprehending ‘Beauty’ in the French Symbolist Poetry

Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis and application of such notions as symbol, image, metaphor and allegory as part of a set of tools, means and methods of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry. This subject is developed and based on the phenomenological nature of ‘beauty’ as well as in terms of the aesthetic category by means of defining it within both implicit and explicit aesthetics. The very problem of ‘beauty’ is represented in the poetry of French symbolism, in works of such authors as S. Mallarmé and Ch. Baudelaire. Conclusions on the means of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry are presented at the end of the article. As far as methods of the research are concerned, there is a variety of combinative totals, such as analysis, comparative analysis, information-analytical base of investigating the subject of the research, application of symbolic images, metaphoricalness and allegoricalness of the poetics of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry.The author’s particular contribution to the research on the subject is proving the fact - proceeding from the lexical base - that symbol, image, metaphor and allegory are the means of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry.


poetry, Mallarme, Baudelaire, French symbolism, metaphor, beauty, image, symbol, allegory, aesthetics

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