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Trends and management

Pavlov P.V., Firsova M.V. Trends of development of foreign trade in food products under the sanctions

Abstract: The object of this research is the foreign trade policy of Russia pertaining to the import and export of food products. The subject of this research is the various forms and methods that ensure saturation of Russia’s food market with domestic goods. Due to the fact that the food policy is a part of economic state policy, it is worth noting that dependence of state food policy upon the volume of imports carries a direct threat to national security. This issue became especially important after the economic sanctions introduced with regards to Russia. Therefore, it is important to analyze and understand the causes and consequences of such dependence and attempt to find ways and means of protection of supply of domestic market with domestic products. The scientific novelty consists in the complex analysis of the export and import transactions in sales of food products over the period of 2014-2015 when Russia has undergone the external sanctions and applied countersanctions. The implementation of sanctions without a doubt affected the foreign trade, as well as manufacturing of agricultural and food products in the Russian Federation. At the same time, on the background of a certain decrease in import, we can observe the manifestation of the trend on increasing the supply and approaching the domestic food market of the new importers from the countries of global community, which demonstrated the difficulty of the rapid increase of production inside the Russian Federation. Thus, the authors substantiate the positions about the necessity of changing the vector of realization and formulation of the new agricultural policy, which require significant financial and time costs. The work underlines that it is necessary to search for other ways of creating the favorable environment for manufacturers of the agricultural production, the realization of which can be performed in the context of establishment of the special economic zones of agro-industrial type.


restrictions, ban on import, dynamics of foreign trade, special economic measures, sanctions, foods, foreign trade, reduction in supply, share of the country, new importers

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