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Trends and management
Koroleva L.P., Koloskov D.A., Ermoshina T.V. (2016). Assessment of Performance Against Poverty in the EU countries and Russia in the Context of inclusive Growth. Trends and management, 4, 365–379.
Koroleva L.P., Koloskov D.A., Ermoshina T.V. Assessment of Performance Against Poverty in the EU countries and Russia in the Context of inclusive GrowthAbstract: The subject of research in the article advocates the economic differentiation of the population of the EU and Russia in terms of income. In particular, monetary poverty as an extreme form of excessive economic inequality and a key factor in degradation of inclusive economic growth. In the new economic reality overcoming monetary poverty is one of the flagship initiatives of social and economic policy pursued by the state. The assessment of its performance in the post-crisis period 2008-2015 is the main task of the study. The research methodology is based on the applied in the EU and the Russian system of absolute and relative indicators of monetary poverty level measurement. The divergence of their dynamics trends since 2013 is beiing elicited. At average, in the EU countries the reduction of the level of monetary poverty to the pre-crisis values was evidenced. By contrast in Russia increase of the poor fraction and aggravating of the problems of money income inequality were observed. The comparison of targets of the policy papers of the development of EU and Russia with their actual values let make a conclusion of low efficiency of the policy of combating poverty both. Keywords: European Union, inclusive economic growth, social exclusion, cost of living, thresholds of monetary poverty, risk-of-poverty, income inequality, poverty, equivalent disposable income, fight against poverty
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