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Loginova E.V., Dubovikova E.Yu., Stupak D.M. Education imperatives of the innovation development of the regions of Russia

Abstract: The object of this research is the intellectual education sphere, upon the functionality of which relied the formation of the innovation model of development that ensures reduction in threats to the national security in modern Russia. By means of determination the cumulative effect of education system, its ability to perform the function of the imperative of innovation development is substantiated. The authors propose the three-level model of education, the realization of which will create the conditions for innovation economic growth. The main organizational form of implementation of the suggested model consists in creation of the regional intellectual education clusters based on the principle of the scientific, education, and production networks. The authors determine that under the conditions of aggravation of the crisis phenomena in modern Russia, the imperative of establishment of the innovation model of economic growth that is able to grade the existing threats to national security, consists in development of the intellectual education sphere. The article gives characteristics to the positive externalities of the education process, which allows formulating the absolute, relative, and cumulative effects of its impact upon the innovation development.


cumulative effect, innovation potential, information, system of education, intellectual education sphere, region, innovation development, education imperatives, model of education system, intellectual education cluster

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