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Platonova A.V., Myasoedova V.A. The peculiarities of innovation activity in the area of culture in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the innovation activity in the area of culture in the Russian Federation. The authors carefully examine the notion of “innovation in the area of culture” in the context of the concept of innovation development strategy of the Russian Federation. The article presents the problems of systemic character emerging during the establishment of innovations on the area of culture, as well as analyzes the mechanisms for realization of such innovations. The authors highlight the main issues regarding the formation of innovations in the area of culture, as well as determine the factors affecting the development of innovation activity, precisely of psychological and economic nature. The work suggest to formulate the mechanism of public-private partnership and encouragement of overcoming the conservatism in human resource system, creation of special programs which ensure the positive perception of innovations, as well as the use of project management in development of the innovation mechanisms of stimulation of the cultural sphere. 


sociocultural technologies, society, innovation potential, economics, strategy, innovation activity, culture, innovations, cultural policy, innovation development

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