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Pedagogy and education
Konoryukova I.V. (2016). Structural Representation of Subjective Properties of a Preschool Educator at the Stage of Adaptation to Professional Activities. Pedagogy and education, 4, 371–378.
Konoryukova I.V. Structural Representation of Subjective Properties of a Preschool Educator at the Stage of Adaptation to Professional ActivitiesAbstract: Within the aim of the research to identify personal prerequisites for successful adaptation of a specialist to professional activities, the author carried out a professional graphic analysis and modeled a mental graph of a preschool teacher. In her article Konoryukova lists conceptual and theoretical principles of her approach to the phenomenon of adaptation of teachers to their professional activity. Based on researches by A. Markova and E. Klimov, the author considers the possibility of professional development of teachers in terms of awareness of personal constructs. The emphasis is made on issues of successful adaptation, subjective positionality and reflexive abilities of educators. Successful adaptation of teachers to professional activity is described based on analysis of factors determining the transformation path of professional development. The author demonstrates the importance of being aware of personality constructs and attitudes to professional activities in the process of self-improvement as a necessary basis for successful adaptation. The draft scenario of the process of acquiring professional skills and knowledge based on reflective actions allows to create conditions for understanding all aspects of labour in terms of a professional profile and, as a result, to successfully complete the aforesaid stage of professional development. Keywords: labour functions, profession, success of adaptation, personality, expert assessment, content analysis, psychic profile, profesionally important qualities, professional activity, adaptation
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1. Klimov, E. A. professional Psychology. – Moscow: "Institute of practical psychology", Voronezh: NGO "MODEK", 1996. – 400 p.
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