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Software systems and computational methods

Korovina L.V., Usmanova I.V. Influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity

Abstract: In this article questions of increase in efficiency of organization activity due to enhancement of a clerical work are considered. Influence of a condition of a clerical work on effective management of processes of activities and the organization in general is researched. The authors proved that for improvement the quality of management it is necessary to support the sphere of a clerical work in an urgent condition by means of the purposeful analysis of a clerical work and processes of activities as information sources for documents. For the solution of the specified task it is offered to use the automated information system using methods of engineering of knowledge. The main method of a research within this work is the theoretical analysis of the processes of activities realized within functioning of the organization, and also structure, content, traffic routes of the documents accompanying implementation of processes. Scientific novelty of work consists in: 1) research of influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity; 2) reasons for feasibility of application of engineering of knowledge in the course of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work of the organization. The results of the study can be used in the development of a new system and enhancement of the existing system of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work.


automated information system, office-work problems, management problems, state indicators, set of documents, processes of activity of the organization, analysis of office-work, methods of engineering of knowledge, efficiency of activity, forecast

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1. Korovina L.V., Usmanova I.V. Metodicheskoe obespechenie intellektual'noi AIS analiza i otsenki sostoyaniya dokumentooborota organizatsii // Programmnye sistemy i vychislitel'nye metody. 2015. ¹ 3 (12). S. 273-280.
2. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. K voprosu o razrabotke avtomatizirovannoi informatsionnoi sistemy analiza dokumentooborota // Programmnye sistemy i vychislitel'nye metody. 2014. ¹ 1. S. 63-69.
3. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. Aktual'nost' problemy sovershenstvovaniya sistemy DOU // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya: sb. nauch. tr. po mat-lam Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 16 chastyakh. Tambov: OOO «Konsaltingovaya kompaniya Yukom», 2015. Chast' 6. S. 124-125.
4. Fionova L.R. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. Unifikatsiya dokumentov-neobkhodimaya predposylka vnedreniya sistem elektronnogo dokumentooborota // Deloproizvodstvo. 2014. ¹ 1. S. 23-29.
5. Fionova L.R., Korovina L.V. Lokal'nye normativnye dokumenty predpriyatiya kak osnova protsedury analiza sistemy dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniya upravleniya // Nauchnyi vestnik. 2016. ¹ 3(9). S. 118-123.
6. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. Otsenka kachestvennykh kharakteristik dokumentooborota organizatsii // Kibernetika i programmirovanie. 2013. ¹ 5. S.7-17.
7. Usmanova I.V., Bakanova N.B., Korovina L.V. Issledovanie sostoyaniya dokumentooborota organizatsii// Glava 3, v kollektivnoi monografii «Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki v sovremennom mire»: monografiya; pod obshch. red. I. B. Krasinoi. Kniga 2. Stavropol': Logos, 2014. S. 47-60.
8. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. Optimizatsiya dokumentooborota kak sredstvo povysheniya effektivnosti upravleniya organizatsiei // Nauka vchera, segodnya, zavtra: teoriya i praktika: materialy Mezhdunarodnogo elektronnogo simpoziuma. Makhachkala: ANOO «Makhachkalinskii tsentr povysheniya kvalifikatsii», 2015. S. 112-117.
9. Usmanova I.V., Korovina L.V. Analiz dokumentooborota kak istochnik dannykh dlya reinzhiniringa biznes-protsessov predpriyatiya // Sovremennye tekhnologii dokumentooborota v biznese, proizvodstve i upravlenii: sb. statei KhII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchn.-prakt. konf. Penza: Izd-vo PDZ, 2012. S. 28-31.