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International Law and International Organizations

Goryan E.V. Protection of women’s rights employed in the free economic zones: international standards and foreign experience

Abstract: The object of this research is the relations pertaining to protection of the women’s labor rights in the free economic zones. The author explores the international legal and national mechanisms of ensuring the international labor standards. Attention is given to the work of international nongovernmental organizations and multinational corporations in this field. The author examines the models of individual responsibility, as well as joint responsibility of the multinational corporation before the employees in developing countries. The experience of US impact upon the developing countries regarding the protection of international labor standards is being analyzed. The latest trends testify to the more active participation of multinational corporations in protection of the rights of employees at the work places mostly located throughout the free economic zones. The difficulties are created directly by the countries, on the territories of which the factories are located – corruption, flawed legal and institutional mechanisms, lack of political will towards resolution of the issues hinder the ratification and further implementation of the international labor standards. Trade agreements with the developed countries, which contain special clauses regarding the interdependence between compliance with the international labor standards and provision of trade preferences, serve as the most efficient means of compulsion of the states to fulfill their international obligations. 


trade treaty, nongovernmental organization, multinational corporation, free economic zones, international labour standards, human rights, Trade Union, national mechanism, international mechanism, decent joob

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