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Police activity
Kobets P.N. (2016). Analysis of the nature of terrorism and its determining factors in the middle of the second decade of the 21st century. Police activity, 6, 596–602.
Kobets P.N. Analysis of the nature of terrorism and its determining factors in the middle of the second decade of the 21st centuryAbstract: The study is aimed at the further improvement of counterterrorism activities. The research object is social relations in the sphere of counterterrorism. The research subject is the analysis of the nature of terrorism and its roots, aimed at the development of unified approaches to the mechanism of its prevention. The analysis of the current tendencies of terrorist manifestations in the modern Russian society helps the author understand its nature and causes. The research methodology is based on the recent achievements in epistemology. The author applies general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation and modeling) and traditional methods of jurisprudence (formal logical). The author concludes that at the present time, terrorism is often considered as yet another security problem that can be easily solved: regular security measures, higher fences, more police officers and more severe punishment. The study demonstrates that upon the declaration of the war against terrorism, the significance of the problem increases, since such measures respond to the symptoms, not the causes. The author proves that year by year, it is more difficult for terrorists to organize attacks, therefore the new forms of terrorism become more terrible in their effect. The author notes that, despite a large number of scientific works, devoted to these issues, the problem is not studied well enough yet. This fact explains the topicality, novelty and practical importance of the problem under consideration. The scientific and practical importance is based on the fact that this study develops and specifies the casual complex theory, determining terrorism. The certain range of problems points at particular shortcomings of counterterrorism mechanism and defines the current state and some tendencies of its improvement. The author formulates the conclusions, necessary for the further consideration of the problem, and the proposals, that can serve as a basis for the decrease of terrorist challenges and threats and can be used in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies. Keywords: threats, religious violence, internal affairs bodies, determinants, crime prevention, factor analysis of terrorism, causal complex of crime, security, terrorism, terrorist attacks
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