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Police activity

Baranov V.V. Organization of legal regulation of internal affair bodies aimed at the Internet extremism prevention

Abstract: The research subject is the statutory instruments, regulating the work of internal affairs bodies, aimed the prevention of and the struggle against extremism. The paper reflects the key aspects of legal regulation of internal affairs bodies’ work, aimed at the Internet extremism prevention. The author applies the range of sources, including the Mass Media materials and the examples of practical activities of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of the Internet extremism prevention. The author outlines the positive and the negative features of legal regulation of the work of internal affairs bodies in this sphere; reflects the specific features of legal regulation of cyber extremism combating. The research method is the normative-logical method. The research methodology is based on the dialectical materialism and the related general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison and other methods of jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the issues, related to the development of proposals about the improvement of the work of internal affairs bodies, aimed at the Internet extremism prevention. The formulated conclusions are based on the assessment of analytical data and the study of statutory instruments in this sphere. The author proposes the measures of improvement of legal regulation of the work of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of the Internet extremism prevention. 


administrative responsibility, administrative law, cybersecurity, vulnerability, global network, prevention, internal affairs bodies, legal regulation, extremism, Internet

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