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Taxes and Taxation
Bryantseva L.V., Elovatskaya T.A., Orobinskiy A.S. (2016). Execution of Tax Authorities by Municipal Units Based on the Example of the Voronezh Region. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 949–962.
Bryantseva L.V., Elovatskaya T.A., Orobinskiy A.S. Execution of Tax Authorities by Municipal Units Based on the Example of the Voronezh RegionAbstract: The authors of the present research carries out an analysis of tax revenues into local budgets of municipal units in the Voronezh Region over the period of time since 2013 till 2015. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the majority of municipal units in the Voronezh Region tend to decrease tax payments which proves the reduction of taxable bases and number of taxpayers in total. The subject of the research is the execution of tax authorities by municipal units. The object of the research is the provision of tax revenues into budgets of municipal units and urban districts. Theoretical and methodological bases of the research involve legal acts, laws and regulations issued by state authorities, researches of Russian scientists on the questions related to execution of tax authorities by municipal units. The authors of the research analyze the structure of muncipal budget revenue sources reflecting the fact that the main source is 'other revenues', in particular, non-repayable receipts from other budgets in the Russian Federation: from 40% to 80% are composed of dotations aimed at fiscal capacity alignment and dotations to maintain budget balancing measures). The authors also describe the role and place of applicable local taxes (land tax and personal property tax) in the process of developing the municipal budget and studies the degree of the implementation of taxable capacity of municipal units. As a result of analysis, it has been proved that part of the areas in the Voronezh Region improved their taxable capacity as a result of efficient supervisory activities conducted by the Federal Tax Service authorities. Keywords: intergovernmental relations, municipal budget, tax control, tax compliance, local taxes, tax potential, tax revenues, tax legislation, local budget, land tax
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