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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Kovaleva L.I. Prevention of ethnic conflicts and the protection of human and civil rights in the Krasnodar region

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the experience of prevention of ethnic conflict and the protection of human and civil rights in the Federal subjects of Russian Federation (by the example of one of the most multinational regions of the country - Krasnodar Krai). This work notes that in Krasnodar Krai there is a high degree of ethnic diversity, as it houses 124 ethnic communities. However, due to the comprehensive approach for the prevention of ethnic conflict employed by the administration of Krasnodar Krai, the risk of interethnic collisions are significantly reduced. This article uses a number of scientific research methods, including statistical, analytical, formal-logical, historical-legal, comparative method. This work provides examples of comprehensive approach to the prevention of interethnic conflicts and civil rights violations on Federal subject level (Krasnodar Krai in particular), which are practical for implementation in other regions of Russian Federation that face unsolved ethnic issues.  


conflict, protection, citizens, rights, person, Krasnodar Krai, Russian Federation, population, ethnic, prevention

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