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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Garmaev Yu.P. Forensic science as an initiator of legal sciences and academic disciplines renewal in terms of the principle of competitiveness (continuation)

Abstract: The author proves that the forensic science as an applied science can initiate the change and development of the paradigm of all legal sciences and academic disciplines. The current paradigm presumes the supremacy of the so-called “objective” legal position in criminal proceedings, therefore the majority of scientific and academic publications contain this sort of formulations: “The person has committed this or that, and his actions should be assessed only such-and-such, and it can be proved by such-and-such tactical methods, technical means and according to such-and-such procedure…” But whatever decision a practitioner makes, he makes it not as a mere abstract subject of law enforcement, but as a particular role bearer, and this role is always based on a certain corporative and/or competitive interest. The research methodology is based on dialectics, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, deduction, the comparative-legal, formal-legal and the intersectoral legal studies methods. The renewed paradigm is based on the principle of competitiveness of criminal proceedings in Russia and the countries of the European Union, and gives attention to the wide use of three legal positions - the position of the prosecution, the defense and the judge – in the forensic theory and practice. For example, the author considers the position of the investigator (the prosecution) and the peculiarities of his way of thinking: “Do I have the legal reasons, based on the facts which I consider to be established, to conclude about the qualification of crimes and their establishment according to the “most severe variant? What are the weakest points of my position? Will the successful defense change the position of the court?” Here we see a forensic way of thinking within a legitimate legal position, but not an unlawful “prosecutorial bias”. The author suggests to reconsider the traditional approaches of academic forensics and didactics, including the methodology and methods of practical and study guides composing. The proposed paradigm renewal will help the forensic science to acquire a special interdisciplinary status among legal sciences and academic disciplines, increase its applied significance and the attractiveness of its “products” for students and law enforcers. 


expertise, proceedings, prevention, investigation, crime, competitiveness, paradigm, initiator, forensic science, accusation

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