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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Kiyashko L.V., Krapchatova I.N. Prevention of animal abuse by minors

Abstract: The authors consider the key measures of prevention of animal abuse by minors. Taking into consideration that children, who are aggressive towards animals, or who are involved in the act of aggressiveness towards animals as witnesses, have a propensity for other severe crimes at a mature age, the authors suppose that to prevent such crimes, the state and the society should focus on the education of minors. Foreign scholars also suggest developing educational programs which would teach children, via interaction with animals, how to take care of them and to train animals correctly. The research methodology is based in dialectics, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, deduction, the formal-logical, comparative-legal, statistical methods and the method of intersectoral legal studies. In general, the propaganda of animal abuse is prohibited upon pain of administrative punishment, but this measure doesn’t work in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce criminal responsibility for the propaganda of animal abuse, since the involvement in the acts of animal abuse as a witness or experiencing it with by means of mass media can have the same effect on the development of a child. 


crime, causes, abandoned animals, surveys, veterinary institutions, minors, prevention, treatment, cruelty, animal

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