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Philosophy and Culture

Nedugova I.A. Intentional structure of experience

Abstract: The subject of this research is the objective-energy structure of consciousness. The goal of this work is the formulation of the mechanism of determination of the onto-gnoseological grounds of objective consciousness as the means of constructive overcoming of the distorted forms of “Self” in human existence. The establishment of the integral structure of consciousness will provide an opportunity of conducting a gnoseological and ontological analysis of the objective determinism of culture and consciousness. It is defined that the formation of the holistic core of identity of the human Self must be built on the basis of reflection that considers context, includes a maximally ideal and distracted from the usual perception thinking. The identity suggest overcoming the “attraction of subject” and simultaneous establishment of the Self upon it as the permanent presence and highest order (identity of the fourth order). The result of this research consists in revelation of the forms of the distorted objective core of identity of the human Self as the condition for formation of the illusionary consciousness. The author formulates the model of the concept of the objectively determined existence, which is applied in philosophical, culturological, socio-philosophical, and other humanitarian studies for the analysis of cultural processes, as well as processes emerging in transformation of the objective identity of the human Self.


Intentionality, Reflection, Illusion, Existence, Consciousness, Culture, Hermeneutic circle, Identity, Self, Thingness

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