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Philosophy and Culture

Grishatova Yu.L. Italian Renaissance in the mirror of Russian Renaissance

Abstract: The subject of this research is the phenomenon of the Western European Renaissance in its interpretation by the Russian philosophy and culturological thought, as well as examination of the phenomenon of Renaissance in application to the Russian history of culture. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the views of the Russian philosophers and researchers upon the phenomenon of the Western European Renaissance in general, and its connection with the Russian historical and cultural tradition. The Renaissance culture was being thoroughly examined by the Russian philosophical scholars, art and literature experts, and historians. At the same time, their assessments at times strike by their originality and non-traditional research approach, as well as are quite ambiguous and ambivalent. The author attempts to analyze the fundamental these on the topic of Western European Renaissance altogether, and clarify in which way the Russian view and interpretation of Renaissance differs from other, particularly classical European vision. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the Russian philosophical thought contains a specific and critical opinion regarding the phenomenon of Renaissance, and the researchers of Russian culture often raised a question about its correlation with the history of Russian culture and art. It is no coincidence that particularly acute interest towards the Renaissance emerged within the Russian thought in the early XX century, when Renaissance has become one of the head topics of contemplation among the Russian philosophers, and art community of the Silver age. The bloom of the cultural and philosophical thought of the early XX century and the “Silver Age” of the Russian literature are evaluated as the Russian Renaissance, which concurred with the general European era of modernism.


Religious consciousness, Folk culture, Humanism, Prospect, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Cultural memory, Russian Renaissance, Silver Age, Aesthetics of the Renaissance

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