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Philosophy and Culture
Naumova T.V. (2016). Science and the state in modern Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1541–1550.
Naumova T.V. Science and the state in modern RussiaAbstract: The problem of science and the state in society is not new. But the special relevance it has acquired today in the light of changes in the socio-political and cultural situation in modern Russia. Especially when you consider that the problem of the relationship of the state towards science in modern Russia is widely discussed in Russian scientific literature. That is why this topic has been chosen as an object of the current study.The article focuses on the such issues as funding of scientific research; the creation of new research centers; position of academic and University research in the Russian scientific space; criteria of estimation of scientific activity; the level of citation of scientific publications; measures of promotion of the further development of Russian science and the role of government in supporting it.Analyzing this theme, the author has relied on theoretical generalizations contained in the works of Russian researchers. In addition, there has been used the method of sociological analysis, empirical method and statistical analysis based on the data of concrete sociological researches, conducted by Russian scientific and educational structures.Implementation of the problem of relationship of the state towards science in the modern Russian realities will help to clarify the methodological approaches to the definition of such concepts as: scientist in the conditions of market transformation of society, social and professional status of the scientist, the specific criteria of the prestige of scientific work. Moreover, it is to a certain extent will help to study the possibility of changing research policy in order to further development of domestic science. Keywords: Citation, Publishing activity, Prestige of the scientific work, University science, Criteria of efficiency, Academic science, Size, Financing, State, Science
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