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Philosophy and Culture

Goncharov V.V. Social development in interpretation of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism

Abstract: This article is dedication to examination of social development in interpretation of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism. The author substantiates the position that between the notions of “globalization” and “social development” there is a link that allows accumulating the achievements of socio-philosophical concepts of the past and modernity regarding the question of determination of the basis of organization and activity of the society, as well as directions of its development. The accumulation of socio-philosophical knowledge allows identifying the global constitutionalism in the context of social development as systemic, carrying progressive character, process of globalization of socio-political, state-legal, and financial-economic organization and activity of the society on the international and national levels; while globalization itself as a natural status (stage) of development of the government-organized society of the capitalist era (its imperialistic stage). The conclusion is made that the social development within the framework of philosophy of the global constitutionalism, is completely subordinated to the logic of preservation and development of the world capitalist system, which allows retaining power and property in hands of the global ruling elites represented by the global ruling class.


neoconservatism, Marxism, neoliberalism, global constitutionalism, philosophical concept, interpretation, social development, free market, human rights, democratic values

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