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Philosophy and Culture

Akimov O.Yu. Apophasis as revelation of the value of being in the works of V. V. Rozanov

Abstract: The subject of this research is the study of V. V. Rozanov’s texts as a peculiar way of achieving the being, realized as the understanding of style of things – their inner form, associated with the human perception, which allows the thinker to see the world as collected (attained) integral (order, meaning) on one hand; and as deprived of its integrity individual, which in its absolute expression represents the beginning of the chaos. The real world, living and undefined, in Rozanov’s understanding is the irrational combination of these beginning that preside over the life of mortal man. The reconstruction of V. V. Rozanov’s apophasis is being realized with the help of dialectical method; reconciliation of the two antagonistic beginnings is performed through the third, which is defined by the mutual coexistence of the first two. Thus, the animosity between the heavenly and earthly in Rozanov’s works finds its resolution in the phenomenon of family. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the thinker’s texts using the apophatic method. It allows demonstrating not only the inner logic of separate fragments of Rozanov’s texts, but also mark their conceptual dominant understanding of the being as emptiness, the filling of which in various situations leads to either supremacy of the absolute order (divine being defining the world as the harmonic whole), or supremacy of the chaos (irrational beginning of the world associated with Paganism). Their interaction, in Rozanov’s opinion, is valuable a priori.  


destruction, Apophasis, death, life, sublation, vacuum, antinomy, being, thing, devaluation

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