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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Semerikova A.A. Pornography In Terms of the Genesis of Criminal Sexual Behavior

Abstract: The present research article is devoted to pornography as a destructive social phenomenon contributing to the escalation of criminal sexual violence at the present stage of society development. The subject of the research is the concept of pornography, with the identification of significant key characteristics used to classify certain objects or phenomena as products of the porn industry, and the consequences of its consumption which are the effects of pornography on the development of personal sexuality and formation of motivation and choice of behavior in the process of fulfilling sexual needs. The empirical basis of this research article involves two independent studies: psychological research and psychiatric study of perpetrators of violent sexual crimes, and victims of sexual violence; the survey of citizens of the Russian Federation in the framework of study of the level of sexual culture in Russia at the present stage of society development.The scientific novelty of this study is caused by the fact that the author reveals the destructive aspects of the impact of pornography on personality. Semerikova proves that pornographic products firstly, contributes to the formation and escalation of personal aggression, simplifies the process of formation of motivation for sexual violence as the ideology of the subordinate position of women who are destined to serve sexual interests of men and satisfy their sexual needs; secondly, contributes to the development of dependence of sexual arousal on demonstration of pornographic materials without which sexual excitement becomes impossible, this causing the development of mental impotence, development of neuroses and other mental or psychic instability affecting, in its turn, the sphere of volitional regulation and the degree of control over sexual behavior.


escalation, aggression, pornography, pornographic products, crime, sexual needs, addiction, psychic instability, influence, sexual abuse

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