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Taxes and Taxation
Musaeva Kh.M., Sirazhudinova S.I., Kerimova Z.A. (2016). Voluntariness of Tax Payments as an Indicator of Efficiency of the Russian Federation Tax Authorities. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 847–856.
Musaeva Kh.M., Sirazhudinova S.I., Kerimova Z.A. Voluntariness of Tax Payments as an Indicator of Efficiency of the Russian Federation Tax AuthoritiesAbstract: The main purpose of the research is to state the need to improve indicators of tax authorities’ efficiency, and to develop the institution of tax consulting as an important resource for raising the level of voluntariness of tax payments in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the combination of theoretical, methodological and practical issues aimed at defining ways to increase efficiency of tax authorities of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is supervisory and educational activities of tax officials as well as methods used to evaluate their efficiency. In the course of their research the authors have applied statistical methods of economic research (generalization, selection, grouping, comparison), methods of expert evaluation and extrapolation, complex approach, logical, structure-functional and systems analysis. The main conclusions of the research is the proof of the need to develop the institution of tax consulting as a factor of growing trust towards tax authorities and increasing the level of voluntariness of fulfillment of tax obligations. The research demonstrates that activities of tax authorities aimed at improving services for taxpayers can serve as an important resource for observing tax discipline. The authors also define the need to legally acknowledge the institution of tax consulting as the main element of the tax administration system. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors develop a set of scientific and practical recommendations aimed at improving indicators of evaluating the efficiency of tax authorities, developing information services and implementation of the principle of voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations as a target of tax transformations in recent times. The main contribution of the research is the authors’ conclusion that the combination of indicators recommended by the Federal Tax Service of Russia for evaluating the efficiency of tax authorities is difficult to be applied. It does not relate to preventive activities and the principle of voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations and does not consider the risks of non-payment of particular kinds of taxes. This creates the need to improve them. In their article the authors prove the need to provide a clear description of competences of tax authorities at the legal level when the authorities require relevant information in the process of supervisory measures with reference to both the list of competences and implementing procedures. Keywords: field (onsite) audits, tax control, efficiency evaluation, Federal Tax Service of Russia, parnter model, voluntariness, field (onsite) audits, tax payments, authorities, ion of consulting
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