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National Security
Afanas'eva L.V. (2016). To the question on logical structure of economic security of a region. National Security, 5, 640–645.
Afanas'eva L.V. To the question on logical structure of economic security of a regionAbstract: Currently there has not established the precise understanding of the essence of economic security of a region, which is explained by the specific-local regional processes that form and affect the economic security. The goal of this research consists in development of theoretical positions for determination and substantiation of the components that form the logical structure of the category “economic security of a region”. The subject of this research is the combination of factors influencing the establishment of the logical structure of economic security of a region from the perspective of the actor-object relations. The author examines the questions of economic security of a region, considering the hierarchical levels of the socio-economic system of Russia. The main results of the conducted research include the substantiation of the combination of factors and components, which form the economic security of a region and serve as the foundation in future assessment of economic security of a region. The research of the logical structure of economic security of a region encompasses the assessment and explanation of the components, conditions, and factors forming the safe, compatible, and sustainable development of the region. Keywords: Sustainable development, Compatibility of the region, Efficiency of the economy, Innovations, Threats, Meso- level, Structure of economic security, National security, Economic security of a region, Economic security
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