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Philosophy and Culture

Goncharov V.V. Model of evolution of the universe in philosophy of global constitutionalism

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the model of evolution of the universe in philosophy of global constitutionalism. The model of evolution of the universe in any socio-philosophical concept suggest the formulation and substantiation of its own construct of formation and development of the surrounding reality (material and immaterial world). The philosophy of global constitutionalism conclusively formed at the brink of the XX and XX centuries as an active instrument of formatting of the socio-political, state-legal, and financial-economic development of the modern national state under in hands of the global ruling class, is based on the experience of the socio-philosophical concepts of the past, namely neoliberal and neoconservative doctrines. The author explores the signs of the model of evolution of the universe in philosophy of global constitutionalism, and suggests that various models of evolution of the universe play an important role in the context of globalization of the socio-political, state-legal, and financial-economic development of the existing national states and societies, which are being actively studied by the contemporary scholars, philosophers, legal experts, and political scientists. The following models are being considered: : linear globalization (A. Comte); world of system of globalization (I. Wallerstein, A. G. Frank, S. Amin, J. Arrighi, T. dos Santos, A. I. Fursov, A. V. Karataev); globalization as continuation of modernization (A. Giddens); global system (L. Sklair), and others.


international, constitutionalism, global, philosophy, creation, evolution, model, local, state, person

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